
Test Record

2013 - 2015

Test record is about the destruction of a standard and the returning to unstructured sounds. Stereo test records function as a method of achieving peak auditory performance but often utilize “non-musical” sounds to determine the optimal settings for music to be played through. In many ways listening to a test record is not dissimilar to listening to a record of that of a noise musician. Noise is defined as “unwanted signal or disturbance” and what “Test Record” does is push the standards set forth on the record into the realm of noise, chance, and collage in real-time.

Since noise is the basis of all music I'm trying to strip the record of its initial purpose (for music) and focus more on it becoming not only not used for auditory peak performance but turning it into a noise record. The removal of the grooves of the record disrupts the continuity of the record's ability to play continuously while also subjecting the listener to hear what the absence of content sounds like.